Friday, April 26, 2013

15 weeks: photo-update

I just passed the 3 months mark a couple weeks ago. Three whole months dye-free. I can't say I'm unhappy about it...

As much as I would love to update you with a lot of new hair adventures, like a pixie or even a buzz cut, I have nothing exciting to report on... Everybody in my entourage knows I'm doing this, my roots are showing more than ever, and growth seems to have completely stalled (I know it's not true, but that's how it feels).

I'm also starting to notice a lot more single silver strands in the underlayer, and those are frizzy as heck!

ugh, I'm in a bit of a crappy mood today, I apologize :/ I leave you with a photo-update, and will touch base in a few weeks :)

Please leave comments and don't hesitate to ask me any question!

Week 13:
Week 15:


  1. Liebe Poupette,

    ich hoffe, dass du deutsche verstesht...(?) Ich finde ganz toll was du da gerade machst - sehr, sehr mütig! Du siehst wunderschön aus. Ich auch habe vor 3 Monate entschieden meine Haare nicht mehr Glatt zu machen und bin bis jetzt ganz Glücklich mit meinen Entscheidung. Next step wäre nicht mehr färben - traue ich mich dazu? Ich bin über (ganz über) 40 Jahr alt und habe nicht so eine schöne Gesicht wie du, deswegen überlegt ich ob ich das machen soll oder nicht. Aber der Lust ist da! Je t'embrasse

    1. Hallo Giane! ja... verstehe ich deutsch nicht zo gut :/ aber eine bisschen ;) I guess thank you ;) and good luck to you too with going gray!! (I hope I understood everything you said...)
      gros bisous!!!!

  2. I think your hair look great! Think of it as a short-term (say, 2 years max)inconvenience for a long-term (rest of your life)gain. The advantage of your long hair is that on days that you feel less good, you can just pull it back in a ponytail and it will look good and the frizzy bits will be held in check.

    So you're doing well just as you are!

  3. i'm reading backwards here :)
    now that you are 1+ yr into this are you surprised by the amount of silver you have? did you predict you would have had more or less than you thought when you started this?
    how is the texture now that it's longer?

    1. haha! I have to admit that I am very surprised, yes. I really (REALLY!!) thought I was completely gray under my dye job. The thing is when you dye your hair, the only thing that you can see is the dreaded contrasting regrowth... I was especially self conscious about it since I am naturally a dark brunette and silvers are very noticeable against my regrowth.
      I find that I have much fewer grays than I thought I had originally. I mean, I really have almost fully white streaks at the temples, but I'm not gray all over. My entire underlayer is still fully pigmented and my crown is sprinkled with salt and pepper.
      Regarding the texture, I'd say the canopy whites (crown and temples) are silky and medium thin (albeit loosely wavy) like the pigmented hair, but the underlayer silvers are hella frizzy!!! Very tortuous, tightly wavy little coarse silvers. In any case, I love them all! I will be doing an 18mo update very soon.
      So glad you found my blog :) I will be checking yours out!
